Monday, December 11, 2006

Gingerbread Houses

We've continued our holiday tradition of getting together with Jenn and her boys to decorate gingerbread houses. It went a little better this major arguements or meltdowns. Last year I distinctly remember a huge meltdown over candy canes of all things! Some of the candy canes to decorate the houses were broken and then it became a huge arguement over whose candy canes were broken. Anyway, that was last year, and this year there weren't any major ones...although the roof on Bryce's house started sliding down after they were finished. It had been quite a while and we were surprised that it hadn't hardened already. So here we are...Jenn and I trying to reapply the roof so it will stay...both of us holding up various parts of the house. We finally decided it wasn't going to work this year and told the kiddos to get in position and we would would put Bryce's in front of him and HOPEFULLY I could snap a few photos. Here's the result. The walls ended up caving in but the roof eventually dried in place.


Felicia said...

I've so enjoyed reading your past few blogs! What wonderful traditions you've made for your family!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Carla! What fantastic gingerbread houses! That's such a great tradition, and I'm sure none of you will ever forget it! I remember my favorite aunt helping me and a bunch of my little cousins make a HUGE mess of my grandma's kitchen one Christmas season day when I was little. I don't think I'm quite ready to try it with my kids yet; they're still too little! But, boy does it look like you all had a blast!!

Jessica said...

love the gingerbread houses!!! and your DD looks so much like you! adorable!

Susie said...

OH my gosh they are terrific! we have not done ours yet!!!

Anonymous said...

I love to make those! Yours turned out so well!!!!

Sara Pearcy said...

VERY cute! I was thinking of doing this with my kids this year. I might wait until they are older!! It all sounds too hard.

Glad you had fun.
xx S.

Alicia Barry said...

Thise houses are amazing. Another America tradition for me to have a go at some time.

I understand what you said on my blog about not scrapping since BISC. It took me ages to get motivated again, but now that I have I feel like I am on a bit of a roll.

Francine Burgess said...

oh they are just fabulous!!!couldnt tell that one of them was on its way out!! and what cute kids!

Anonymous said...

awesome houses Carla....we still have to do ours...LOL. And yes, icing sugar is the same as powdered or confectioners sugar.... :)